Psalm 17:5   
Keeeeeeep climbing!
   The tense used in this verse is not so much past but present, in others words it reads, “You hold my steps in Your paths and my feet do not stumble.” Jesus talked of the broad road that leads to destruction and He paints a picture in our minds of a well-trodden and well-populated highway that slopes easily away, where there are few obstructions, just an easy saunter towards judgement. I’m sure it is not so easy for many people, but the way of the saints is much harder. It is a path of self-sacrifice and trials, it is narrow and leads uphill, there are obstacles and curious diversions that waste our time and energy until we return back to the track. This path can be lonely and maybe shared with just a few close companions, we are tempted to turn around and to join the throng that ambles downhill but the call of the unknown, the unexpected, the anticipation of the summit draws us on. Most of all, we never walk this path alone for there is One who walks with us and it is the joy of His companionship and the strength that He gives that keeps us going. He puts others of like mind in our way and as the Journey unfolds we meet them, sometimes their friendship lasts for just a few days; it is rare to find someone who will spend a lifetime time with us on the climb. Praise God if you have a husband or wife or friend who has done that. And so, we keep on climbing and our feet do not stumble and we keep our eyes fixed on our destination. Thank You Lord.


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