Psalm 17:14  
  What a cruel list if curses this is, with more than a hint of cynicism! We would probably say we wouldn’t wish such things on our worst enemies! However, I think David is actually saying that if you choose this life alone to be rich, God will grant your request! You may have all of the best of this world if that is all that you want.  The earth yields its treasures, its precious metals, its oil and gases. The fields grow valuable crops and men rape the oceans of their fish. Traders, merchants and bankers grow rich on their profits and revel in their prosperity. But none of this lasts, it is only for this short life. Men and women of means think of ways of passing on their riches to their children, partly to continue their name and their fame down successive generations. God, by His mercy, allows them to do this but again only in this life, He does not allow them to take their fortune or their reputations out of this world. Such people may be generous to their families, but they have no thought for eternity and no thought for God who has blessed them with plenty.  They do not see Him as the Giver and they do not thank Him but believe themselves to be the source of their good fortune. It is all about self, all about me, what I have done, what I have achieved, and God allows people to enjoy their success but only for a limited time span – their lifetime. 

Our western cultures rate success or failure in this life on these criteria alone.  Financial prosperity and material possessions are the usual yardstick for judging how well a person has done for themselves. As Christians we can be guilty of making the same judgements and forcing these values on our children.  Our education systems are geared to helping young people get a good job which really means a well – paid job.  Most people, having paid for their house and their pension then consider how to pass their wealth on to their children fairly.  Will – making is generally the means to this end.  Many older people see their success not just in what they have accumulated for themselves but the size of the Estate that will be left to succeeding generations. As Christians our values have to be different.  We have to be able to acknowledge that everything we own comes from God’s hand and we are incredibly blessed by Him. Secondly, if we are granted a portion of God’s blessing then surely it is wiser to not take it here and now but to “lay up our treasure in heaven?” Thirdly, we need to hold our treasure on earth very lightly, it is only temporarily held, we own nothing, everything must be released.  The treasures awaiting us in eternity far outweigh those in this life and we cannot have both!


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