Psalm 16:5  
My cup
      David goes on in verse 5 to depict the Lord as being “my cup.”  The cup was a metaphor for God’s salvation and blessing OR His wrath and judgement. [More of which in Psalm 116.] A cup of blessing was offered to guests and friends as a sign of welcome, not dissimilar to the toasts that we offer honoured guests today. But David seems to be going a step further here, just as the Lord was his portion, so the Lord is his cup. Jesus, the Messiah, talked of the cup of His suffering and told the disciples to drink in memory of Him; “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.”Once again David seems to be prophetically anticipating the Messiah and His suffering. “You Lord are my cup, I will drink of Your blood and eat of Your body in an act of remembrance for this is Your covenant with me.” It is this kind of foresight that leads us to conclude that not only was David a shepherd – king but he was also a prophet, filled with the Holy Spirit. Did you know that, “The Lord confides in those who fear or revere Him?” (Psalm 25:14.) Please take time to draw close, to listen, to discern His voice and to meditate upon His Word for He longs to confide in you. And me! 


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