Psalm 16:9     
Gleam of hope   
 So here is yet another expression that involves the heart within us, David’s heart is glad. There are no worldly antidotes to a sad or fearful heart.  We can be lifted for a while; a great sporting event, a concert, a good night out, Christmas, a loving relationship; many of these things make us glad and our hearts are lifted but the man or woman who has fixed his or her eye on Jesus has the best reason to be glad.  “Everything is going to be ok, I am safe, no one can hurt me, I do not have to fear, all my needs are cared for, therefore I will be glad.” The word tongue in this verse literally means “glory” – my glory rejoices! And rejoices literally means with exuberance. As we have seen, there is a Messianic thread running through this wonderful Song.  The Lord Jesus Himself, as He faced dreadful persecution and a gruesome death, will have clung to these words. Imagine them going around in His mind as He suffered in darkness on that brutal crucifix. “I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my inner being is glad and my glory rejoices exuberantly.” Remember, “It is for the joy that was set before Him that our Lord endured the cross.”  Hebs 12:2. For those who know and loved God and are loved by Him there is always a gleam of hope. However dark things might become we know that everything is going to plan, God’s will cannot be thwarted – it will be alright in the end! Hallelujah!


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