Psalm 16:8    
Right hand man
   David now comes up with a remarkable thought, the Lord is “at my right hand.” In ancient times the right hand was a place of dignity and honour and we still speak of someone we trust as being a “right hand man or woman.” Jesus sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven after completing His work on earth. See Psalm 110:1. However, the expression also means one who is a defender or who protects, such as an armour bearer or shield bearer. Psalm 109:31 depicts the Lord standing at the right hand of the needy, in Psalm 110:5 from the right hand, He will crush kings on the day of His wrath. In Psalm 121:5 He is our shade from the relentless sun at our right hand. What a comfort to know, that whatever we face and whatever trials befall us One stand near to guard and protect His people. The Lord will stand with us, beside us and that is why Paul could write, “In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”  Romans 8:37.


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