Psalm 16:8  
I will not be shaken
   This verse has another angle for David was, once again, pointing forwards: this is a prophetic Psalm. He is led by the Holy Spirit to write these words for the Messiah who, during His suffering and agony, was able to keep His eyes on the Lord at all times.  As a consequence, Jesus was not shaken! We know this to be true because Peter quoted these words in his great sermon on the Day of Pentecost, they are recorded in Acts 2:25-28. Such was the absolute faith in the heart of Jesus, in God His Father, that even as He was cruelly condemned and crucified, as He breathed His last breath, He was resting in the truth of Psalm 16. How many Christian martyrs must have taken these promises, these assurances, and faced death in the knowledge that they too had been chosen to follow in the footsteps of their master and just as He suffered and was killed, they too will suffer and be killed but NOT be shaken!
What a promise and affirmation to take into the days ahead, say these words out loud. “I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”  We are effectively saying that because I am following Jesus, because I trust in my God, it does not matter what life throws at me, I will not be shaken. I will not be shaken! I will not be shaken!! I WILL NOT BE SHAKEN!!! Fear will not overcome me, anxiety will not rule me, I am safe, my enemies shall not overcome me. The world may conspire against me, demonic armies may surround me, Satan can throw everything at me, his ultimate weapon is death, but even that is no victory for him because I live – forever!! 


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