Psalm 16:7  
Even at night
     Have you experienced the counsel of the Lord in the night? It is a wonderful thing to be awakened in the early hours of the morning and to be conscious that the Lord is present. Our minds are unaffected by the clamour and demands of daily life and free to commune with our God. At such times, when the distractions are removed, the Lord whispers His counsel. It may be a problem that we have encountered and He shines a light upon it. For some of us, it is a talk or sermon that He wants us to give. Sometimes He counsels us on a verse or passage of Scripture that has been playing on our minds. Other times it is a revelation of something completely new and amazing and leaves us in awe. Then again, it can be the still, small voice of calm and reassurance that He is with us and the problems are under control. Whatever it is, give thanks when the Lord counsels you at night! What an encouragement as we face a new day, to know that we have been in the presence of our Father and that we are prepared for whatever the waking hours will throw at us. 


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