Psalm 16:5   
My Lot
      In Number 36:7 we read, “No inheritance in Israel is to pass from one tribe to another, for each Israelite tribe is to keep the land it inherits.” We use the word “lot” very loosely, to describe good or bad fortune hence phrases like “it must be my lot in life.” In the Old Testament it literally referred to an inheritance, a tract, or area of land that belonged exclusively to a tribe, family or individual. As such it needed to be protected, guarded and maintained under the ownership of its legal heirs. David states here in verse 5, “You make my lot secure.” This Shepherd-King knew that the safety and security of all that he owned did not depend on the number of armed men in his defence force or the guards that surrounded the royal palace; it was the Lord who made him secure. His personal safety was guaranteed by God Himself, and His angels and His heavenly Host, and His Holy Spirit were the sources of David’s peace of mind. 
It is no different for those who serve the Lord today, a battle rages around us that we are not even aware of. God’s people are under attack, but our borders are kept by heavenly forces, the enemy arrows fall short, the bullets miss their targets, the bombs drop and do not explode, the adversary advances and is driven back. While all this action goes on around, the faithful Christian stands unharmed, untouched and, very often, unaware!  We may sleep well at night for the Lord is our guardian and our protector.  All our “lot”, that which He has given us to inhabit and care for, will be preserved. Hallelujah what a Saviour!


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