Psalm 16:11  
A companion for life  
  The path to life is not just a metaphor for life’s journey, it is a literal road along which we pass, and it leads to life.  Jesus talked of it, “Enter through the narrow gate ……. Small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Matthew 7:13-14. This gate and this road lead into the Kingdom of Heaven but the road ascends, it is constricted, and the way is hard in this world. It is so much easier to go with the flow, to avoid confrontation, to forgo self-discipline, to live a life of ease; these things are what the sinful mind and body crave. Who wants to fast or apply discipline or live for others or face persecution and ridicule for their beliefs? 

The road to destruction is wide and crowded but the path to life is narrow for few travel along it, but the Lord Himself walks with us and He makes the way known – for He is the way! He is our map, our compass, our guide and no one can progress along the path without Him. So, here’s the thing, for those who travel the path of life He is our permanent companion and to be in His sweet presence is fullness of joy! The two disciples on the road to Emmaus on Resurrection Sunday discovered this joy and this wonder and this amazement.  We know, like them, that we are walking with Jesus Himself for He opens the Scriptures to us! Luke 24:27, 32. Oh what joy! What revelation! All of life, it’s meaning, its purpose, its beginning and its end become clear.  We discover who we are and who He is. Such knowledge brings deep contentment and to commune and converse with Him, our Creator and our brother, there is nothing, no nothing, so wondrous and so joyful. Our temporal existence on this planet with its allurements gradually fade into insignificance, our hearts and eyes turn heavenwards, and as we approach the end of earthly life the longing to be with Him, away from the shallowness of the world grows deeper daily.  


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