Psalm 16:10   
He is risen!     
As we noted in verse 8, Peter reminded the eager crowd, gathered in Jerusalem at Pentecost, of these verses from Psalm 16. As he explained the cruel events that led to the crucifixion of Jesus he quoted Psalm 16:8-11 to a Jewish crowd who would have been very familiar with the Scriptures. The Apostle Paul also dipped into Psalm 16:10 in his synagogue address to the Jews in Pisidian Antioch. Both Peter and Paul knew that the Psalm would have been so familiar to the Messiah as He suffered. Our Lord breathed His last in the sure and certain hope that God His Father would not allow His body to decay and He would not be abandoned in Sheol. Sheol [Hades in Greek], is the place of departed spirits, the evil ones go to bitter sorrow and darkness and the good to a paradise existence while they await their deliverance. This deliverance came when Jesus ascended into heaven and opened the way for all who believe in Him.  That is why many came out of the tombs after His resurrection. Matthew 27:51-53. The triumphal ascension of Jesus into heaven was accompanied by these liberated souls which is why Paul writes, in Ephesians 4:8, “When He ascended on high, He took many captives ….. with Him!” This is a quote from Psalm 68:18. What a triumph!  What a scene in heaven! What a glorious liberation and our dear friend David was there! What a comfort for us, for the grave cannot rob us of life.  While the souls of unbelieving men go to that pitiful existence below to await their fate on the Day of Judgement, you and I, and all who believe, leave this world to enter the heavenly paradise where Christ is. What a future He has opened up for us.  Hallelujah! 
David knew that he would not be abandoned to the realm of the dead! Jesus knew that He would not be abandoned to the realm of the dead! We know that we will not be abandoned to the realm of the dead and the events that changed everything for all of us, are the resurrection of our Lord from the grave and His ascension into heaven. 


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