100 today!
        This is the 100th post on this site and a big thank you to the few people who read my ramblings.  You bless me because I have to write this and my faith its boosted as a consequence. I pray that you are blessed too.
It’s a controversial point that the Psalm makes in verse 4; the suggestion is that even the most wicked believe in something. There is a hint in the Psalms that deep within the psyche of all men, is an awareness that good exists, that creative power is inherent in the universe, that we all must worship something.  Man is made that way, which makes the iniquity of the wicked even more vile because they are knowingly testing God, rebelling against God and defying His existence.  I hope we are all being honest with ourselves here?  How many of us are willing to admit that we are lured into doing wrong even when a voice screams within us, “Don’t do it!” We entertain that lurid thought or say those cruel words or carry out the carefully planned scheme, despite knowing all along that we should not. There is streak of wilful defiance in all human beings; the difference between the righteous and the wicked is that the former bitterly regret their foolishness and repent of it, the wicked do not care. While they have a deep, inner perception of God’s being, which is never admitted, they continue to do evil; they are so arrogant that they think they can take God on, they can thwart His will and they can resist His commands. The Satan uses the compliance of the wicked to effectively stick his fingers up at God, in their actions they are daring God to respond and at the same time justifying their belief that he is powerless and impotent. By their words and behaviour, the wicked demonstrate that they know nothing, they live by violence, they scheme and plot against the people of God, they devour the righteous like they eat bread; God is not a factor in their thinking, their speech or their behaviour. This is a sorry state of affairs because even demons believe there is one God – and shudder! James 2:19. So, such is the deceit of the enemy that he has a large section of humanity believing in something that he does not believe himself, for he knows very well of the existence of Almighty God. If the Satan’s demonic army shudders then it can be suggested that he does too!


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