Wrestling with thoughts
 “How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart?” Well, we’ve all been there haven’t we?  Someone said something, someone slighted us, someone passed on a bit of gossip and we are implicated. A hurt takes root and starts to grow in stature.  A throw-away comment begins to develop like a cancer deep within. We wake in the night musing over it and it flashes into our consciousness throughout the day.  We wrestle over a situation, over a broken promise or friendship and there is a deep sorrow within. Taking counsel with ourselves is something we all do; some are quick to express their feelings and thoughts, others let them fester and gnaw away, whilst there are those who bury the matter quickly and carry on as if nothing ever happened. Whichever way you look at it this process of taking counsel with our inner-most being can be a painful process. It is when we are vulnerable in this way that the Satan’s envoys start firing their flaming arrows. We begin to imagine things, comments made are taken out of context, we muse over other situations and make links in our minds. It is a dangerous process because you never know what the outcome is going to be. We can become embittered, angry, depressed and judgemental or maybe withdraw within ourselves – the list is endless. King David wrestled with his thoughts and day followed day without relief, he had deep sorrow in his heart.  There was no joy, no peace and no expectation of relief or deliverance. The satanic whispering campaign that reaches deep within our souls is vicious and cruel and is aimed at maiming our spirits; it is a process that can, for some people, go on for years. “How long will me enemy triumph over me?” cries David. Thank God there is an answer!


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