Psalm 16:3   
True nobility
     The Apostle Paul’s introduction in his letter to the Romans is addressed, “To all in Rome who are loved by God and called to be His holy people.” Romans 1:7. In a similar vein, here in verse 3 of Psalm 16, David identified holy people in the land while he was alive. I Peter 2:9-12 refers to such people as, “Chosen People, a Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation, a People belonging to God.” Wow! Noah, Abraham, Job, David himself, Hezekiah – there’s quite a list in the Old Testament of those qualified as holy. What does it mean? 
Holy means to be consecrated or dedicated to God, set apart for Him and free from defilement. David is able to identify such people living in his land and he calls them the true nobility, the true royalty, for they acknowledge the Lord as King and seek to serve and obey Him and Him alone.  They are set apart for His service. This is unusual talk from a King!  The nobility usually comes from those who are born or appointed to greatness. From the beginning of human rule and reign, these elevated dignitaries have filled royal courts and had the ear of their monarch. David does not mention such people, instead, in his mind, the nobles are those who are holy and they bring him great delight. 
Those around us who serve and obey the Lord, who are set apart for him, are part of this royal lineage. His people may not be noble by birth in earthly terms, but they certainly are in God’s eyes. Listen carefully. You have been chosen. You have been given heavenly honour and status equivalent to royalty. You are elevated to priesthood before Almighty God.  You are part of a nation of people set apart for the Lord in this world.  You do not just  belong to a country, clan, tribe or organisation; first and foremost you have been chosen to belong to God. If you know people like this then delight in them as David did. Delight in their company, honour their status and love them for they are the noble ones and so are you! 


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