Psalm 16:2   
You are my Lord
      This verse has to be repeated, I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord; apart from you, I have no good thing.”  The Lord is the Lord, that is irrefutable, but is He my Lord?  David affirms that he trusts in and serves one Lord only, this is personal, no other being is worthy of worship, praise and service. When asserting that, “apart from you, I have no good thing,” what is he saying?  Well, let us make a list!

  • The Lord’s words are truth, they are good.                Every other voice is affected by sin.
  • The Lord’s heart is pure, it is good.                            All other hearts are evil.
  • The Lord’s intentions are right, they are good.          Every other being is deceived.
  • The Lord’s power is absolute, it is good.                    All other powers are secondary.
  • The Lord’s love is selfless, it is good.                          All other love is self-interested.
  • The Lord’s knowledge is complete, it is good.           All other sources are limited.
  • The Lord’s ways are righteous, they are good.          All other ways are perverted.
He is good!! Everything else, even those who are dearest and who we trust the most are affected by sin and their powers are diminished by their humanity. That is why we say to our God, “You are my Lord.”


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