Psalm 15:2-5  
Obedience by faith
   David lists the characteristics and qualities that are evident in people who live on God’s holy mountain, close to His heart. How do we measure up?
·      Their walk is blameless
·      They do what is righteous
·      They speak the truth from the heart
·      Their tongues utter no slander
·      They do no wrong to a neighbour
·      They cast no slur on others
·      They despise vile people
·      They honour those who fear the Lord
·      They keep an oath, even when it hurts, and do not change their minds
·      They lend money to the poor without interest
·      They do not accept a bribe against the innocent

David’s list has nothing to do with sacrifices and ceremonial religion.  There is no mention of the rites and laws of Judaism, there are no commandments or creeds; instead he lists the moral characteristics of a righteous man or woman, one who is reverent before God and without fault before men.  This is a catalogue that smacks of discipline, obedience and integrity and yet it is not possible to live this way by self-effort. It is only those who have God in them and with them, who are indwelt by His Holy Spirit, who are “sacred tents”, who can exhibit these characteristics. In Romans 2:5 the Apostle Paul calls this, “The obedience that comes from faith for his name’s sake.” In other words, faith is the prerequisite for obedient living, driven by a loyal desire to honour the name of Christ. Thus, our obedience is not motivated by a sense of moral propriety but a willingness to please and worship the One who is the object of our faith. 


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