Psalm 14:7b     
Jacob and Israel
      This Psalm ends with an enigma; David is confident that the people of the land will be restored and this will be the Lord’s doing; He will bring them back to Himself. He will wrestle control and power from the hands of the wicked and return it to the upright.  Truth, justice, morality and righteousness will prevail; these are all evidences of the restorative power of God. When the Lord restores His church, evil is driven out, man’s authority is diminished, relationships are repaired, love and truth prevail. Sometimes it is necessary to have those uncomfortable conversations, to stop overlooking sinful and disruptive behaviour and to stand up for holiness.  The Satan flees when his schemes come crashing down and the presence of the Lord is restored. “So,” says David, “Let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad!”  What does he mean? Aren’t Jacob and Israel one and the same? Jacob means “he grasps the heel”, this was a Hebrew idiom for “he deceives.”  Thus Jacob is known for his deception and boy, he lived up to his name! Many years later the “deceiver” stood on the boundary of the Promised Land and before he entered God said to him, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.” Genesis 32:28. 
Israel literally means, “He struggles with God.” Jacob had realised that God was the source of all blessings, that despite all his wrestling, the Lord had been with him and the Lord was stronger than he was in every department! Jacob struggled with humans and earthly matters, Israel struggled with God and heavenly matters. There will be rejoicing on earth when God restores His people and for those who are spiritual, we will rejoice with the heavenly beings and be glad at all that the Lord has done. 

Father, it seems, at times, that the world is full of wickedness and that Your people are in a very small minority. On reading this Psalm we discover that this is the reality and has always been so for those who truly love and follow You. The enemy has his claws into every area and aspect of human life in this world and we hate to see the rebellion and carelessness around us. Thank you that he can never win, that we are Your chosen representatives, that You are still planning the restoration project and that, one day, we will celebrate with joy in Your presence as we see a return to righteousness. 


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