Psalm 14:7a   
Salvation from Zion
    In David’s mind the source of all trouble in Israel is the wicked. They are his true enemies because they are the spiritual enemies of His God. It is not His political foes, his warring family members or the armies of the surrounding nations. No, his battle ground is primarily the hearts and intentions of the wicked for these are the enemies of God and they are present in all of the other battles he is waging. 
The same analysis confronts the Church of Jesus Christ today; we can end up wrestling with so many issues, but our real enemy is the Satan and those who do his bidding. As the Apostle Paul reminds us, “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12. The Gospel is good news for those who are bound by evil and those who are the victims of evil, Christ did not die to resolve the social ills of His day or to put earthly armies to flight, He died to rescue mankind from the Satan and from sin and death. Israel’s salvation must begin at Zion, at God’s earthly throne, at the seat of His power and majesty. Our salvation too, comes from the throne room of the heavenly Mount Zion where our risen Lord sits triumphant, clothed in majesty and power and glory. 


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