Psalm 13:5-6    
        There is an answer. Heaven does not remain silent. David’s experience, as described in this song, must have unfolded over weeks, maybe months or even longer. It is summarised in just a few verses and the literal rendition of the first part of verse 5 is in the past tense. “But I have trusted in your loving kindness.”  He then goes on to say, in the future tense, “My heart will rejoice exuberantly in Your salvation! I shall sing to the Lord …..”
In other words, David is in an extreme place, a place where death beckons, where his enemies are hoping to trample him down and where God seems to have deserted him. In this darkest hour he recalls, “I have trusted in your loving kindness.” This is so important, for when everyone and everything is against us, we must stop and bring to mind the times when we were surrounded by blessing and God’s love and kindness were a rich part of our experience. For many, their first introduction to Jesus Christ or their first filling of the Holy Spirit, their experience of answered prayers, of joyful worship with others, are seminal moments in their Christian walk. Treasure those moments or longer periods of time when God was blessing you, filling you and revealing Himself, they are so important because they will be needed to sustain faith when darkness surrounds you. It is in the certainty of God’s past blessings that David is able to cry out, “My heart will rejoice in your salvation, I will sing the Lord’s praise, for he has been good to me.” 


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