Psalm 13:3-4    
The step of death
     Psychologists have their theories of course, as to how to deal with the anguish in our minds.  Common sense says that it is better to confront a problem than to just let it fester. However, David’s answer, first of all, is to cry out to the Lord God. “Look on me and answer, give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death, and my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,” and my foes will rejoice when I fall.”
When David starts talking about sleeping in death it is natural to assume that he is suffering from a physical sickness, however, those who have been troubled by severe depression and mental anguish will know that the sleep of death can appear to be a way out, a potential solution to the darkness of living. We long for light, we long to see clearly, we long to escape this dark, impenetrable tomb that has entrapped us and from which we see no deliverance.  This spiritual anguish may have many sources but the depth and severity of it are caused by our enemy and if it ends in death or a living hell then he will rejoice. He will trample us underfoot like a conquering army and leave us squashed, bruised and broken, waiting to die.  Never assume that this battle is not serious or that the enemy will give ground or make concessions, it is destruction that is his intention and we are only protected and saved by God’s grace and mercy. Which is why: -


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