Psalm 13:1      
“How long?” 
   David clearly felt forgotten, abandoned and alone. This state of mind had obviously persisted for some while. Gone were the days of joyful celebration and personal well-being. Gone were the moments of enlightenment in the Lord’s presence and the wonderful intimacy of being close to Him. The Holy Spirit, it seemed, had deserted him and David was bereft and forsaken and empty of all that had made his life good. Mental and spiritual depression are closely related, and the former can be treated by dealing with the latter. God never deserts any one of us but there are times when circumstances draw us away from Him and we sink into despair, then we realise that the problem is deeply rooted. We may have drifted away from the Lord and the former joys have left us. On other occasions it seems as if He has drifted away from us and despite our best efforts the yawning chasm between heaven and earth is insurmountable. Isn’t it reassuring to know that God does not mind if we blame Him? “Of course, He hasn’t forgotten you dear David, but we understand what it is like to feel that way!”
            “How long will you hide your face from me?”  As Moses prepared for his death, the Lord met with him and Joshua at the tent of meeting. In Deuteronomy 31:14-18 we read of this encounter and Moses and Joshua are forewarned that the people will turn to other gods and the Lord will become angry and forsake them. He will hide His face and they will be destroyed. Disaster and calamity will hit the Israelites for God will not be with them and they will suffer for their wickedness in turning to other gods. The hiding of God’s face is associated with wickedness and idolatry, therefore David must have felt extremely vulnerable if he was not guilty of either. We do not read of any occasion when he dabbled in idol worship and when he sinned it seems that he was quick to repent. Whatever the circumstances, the Lord had turned His face away and David was lost and alone, he longed to return to intimacy.  If we feel that our God seems to be out of reach, and we all do at times, it is important that we humbly repent and seek Him.  Do not let the separation be prolonged!


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