Darkness and light
What an utterly depressing and yet accurate statement this is! Yes, it is true, the wicked freely strut around on all sides of us, they are relentless in their wicked practices and every day seek to push back the boundaries of acceptable behaviour. They openly challenge God’s law and laugh in His face at the very idea that He exists or that they are answerable to Him in any way. The News headlines are full of them and their activity but we who trust in the Lord should never be afraid, nor should we despair because Our God is Greater! Sadly, nothing has changed since David’s day, what is vile is honoured by the human race. Romans 1:18-32 is the Apostle Paul’s description of the decline of a culture; the descent into vile-ness is sickening and descriptive of our time. It is frightening and depressing to list the characteristics of a broken, Godless society. We do not need more police, we need a revival in our churches! This is a summary of Paul’s view, in Romans 1, of the Godless culture of his time.
They suppress truth by their wickedness
They do not acknowledge God or give thanks to Him
They exchange the worship of God for things
They degrade their bodies through sexual impurity
They exchange the truth about God for a lie
Their sexual relations and acts become unnatural
Their minds are depraved
They are filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity including: -
Envy Murder
Strife Deceit
Malice Gossip
Slander God-hatred
Insolence Arrogance
Boasting Inventiveness at doing evil
Disobedience to parents No understanding of God or of truth
No fidelity No love
No mercy Choosing to ignore the consequences of their actions
Approval of those who practice all kinds of wickedness
Let us thank the Lord that He will keep the needy safe and will protect us forever from the wicked!
Oh God, we are surrounded, on all sides by the vile influences of the enemy. How we long for purity and truth. Thank You for Your Word that delivers us and shows us a richer, more satisfying and better way to live. Thank You too, that when we tire of the darkness of this world we may turn to You and see light and beauty and integrity. Keep us from evil and fill us daily with hope as we trust in You. We will sing Your praises and make music in our hearts for our God reigns!
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