Never give up!
      This Psalm was written for our time! However, it also fitted David’s time. It opens with 3 threatening scenarios: -
·     It’s time to flee to the mountains
·     The enemy is ready to shoot his arrows
·     The very foundations of the earth are being shaken
 Wickedness appears to have the upper hand, the enemy is everywhere, the foundations of the old, world order are shaking, righteousness cannot be relied upon to triumph over evil. “Come on everyone, let’s run for it, let us take flight, let us go to the mountains and hide in the caves where we will be safe.”

If the general falling away from faith, in a country, were not bad enough, the righteous – true believers, have another threat to contend with. Lurking in the shadows are evil forces with their arrows loaded into their bows, waiting for the opportune moment to shoot; the moment we let down our guard, and think that we are safe, or that we can compromise our faith, we become sitting targets. These enemies are shadowy, suggesting that their favoured domain is to be hidden and virtually undetected; it’s from here they will shoot at the unwary. Their aim is to injure, to cause pain and upset, to hinder and annul the beliefs and actions of the righteous. All that we have held to be dear and true, morally, culturally and spiritually seems to be a ready target for the arrows as they wing their way and smash into yet another target. The faith, the standards and the pinions of our society are being pounded and it is easy to feel helpless and afraid. Thank God that this Psalm takes a turn for the better. When we cry, “what can the righteous do?” God has an answer. He always has an answer. Never give up on God Almighty for He will never give up on you. 


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