Psalm 9:17- 18
Never forgotten
Never remembered
This Psalm talks quite a lot about remembering and forgetting!
V12 For he who avenges blood remembers
V17 All the nations that forget God go down to the realm of the dead
V18 God will never forget the needy
The writer obviously has more in mind than good or bad memory. Jeremiah 31:34 speaks of a God who will remember sins and iniquities no more. Does God have lapses of memory? Does He scratch His head hoping for recollection? No, of course not, He chooses to NOT remember. He puts our sin out of His mind as if it never happened because the slate is wiped clean, the blood of the Lamb washes our sin away. The acts of the wicked and the evil nations are not forgotten however, they will be called to account for their wickedness and for the fact that they ignored and disobeyed the Lord Almighty. Their destination is Hades and ultimately - judgement!
In contrast, the humble, the contrite, the poor, the afflicted and the needy are not forgotten by God. Those who humbly call out to Him, those who acknowledge and trust Him, whatever their circumstances, will never be forgotten. They will always have hope. Take this with you today, you are not forgotten but your sins are. Whatever guilt you carry, the Lord God chooses to not remember, the blood of Christ does not just cover you, it washes all sin stains away – forever! Your hope is founded on the solid granite of God’s promises and He will never abandon you.
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