Psalm 9:16   
           Proverbs 5:22 says, “The evil deeds of the wicked ensnare them; the cords of their sins hold them fast.” Psalm 9:16 carries a similar warning but contrasts the destiny of the wicked with the Lord’s acts of justice. Wherever oppressive empires and regimes operate, their time is always cut short. Where are the great empires and kingdoms that have dominated the history of the world?  They have all come and gone, the poor and abused were vindicated when their wicked overseers got their just deserts. We have seen it in recent history with the collapse of the German military machine, the fall of numerous South American dictators, the end of the Soviet Union, the breaking of apartheid in South Africa et al. None of these oppressions will last because the “wicked are ensnared by the work of their hands,” AND “The Lord is known by his acts of justice.” Satan’s kingdoms are temporary and vulnerable, the Kingdom of God is eternal and unbreakable. Why should we fear the wickedness of the world when we have left its control and signed up to a new regime of justice, holiness and mercy? 

In these troubled times it’s good to be reminded that nothing depends on the whims and fancies of power-hungry politicians, they will reap their reward and frankly are not worthy of our support. We trust in the Lord alone and He is just and fair. His ways are righteous and true. He will prevail. God’s will is to be done and His hand is on it all, for this world must reach its climax and then all of the wicked will see the pointlessness of their scheming. Again we say, “Hallelujah.”


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