Psalm 9:14  
            Well one thing is sure.  David will not keep quiet about his deliverance from Sheol. Once he has been set free, he intends for everyone to know about it! He will go to the most public place he knows, the gates of Zion and there he will rejoice in all that God has done. Salvation is a cause for celebration!! The verses here talk about the gates of the Daughter of Zion – a phrase that is used on a number of occasions in Scripture.  In the Old Testament the “Daughter of Zion” is certainly Israel, but the church is included in this description too. Wherever the people of God come together that is the place to declare the praises of God and to rejoice in His salvation. One of the greatest causes for celebration, in ancient times, was victory over enemies. A conquering army would march in triumph through the city gates and there would be a public acclamation of the deeds of the fighters and their Commanders. We are on the winning side. Death has been conquered; the victory march has begun. The Satan is defeated and the reign of Almighty God can never be broken. This is cause for celebration, we have every right to rejoice in the salvation of our God. Hallelujah!


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