Psalm 13   
                        There are many who have read this Psalm and meditated upon it and drawn the conclusion that King David had been laid low with serious illness and had been honest enough to express his feelings at this time. But there is no mention of physical pain or suffering, instead David is more concerned that his enemy will not triumph over him. He talks about God hiding His face and forgetting him; he wrestles with his thoughts and has sorrow in his heart.  If you have suffered with mental and spiritual depression you will be familiar with such feelings and this Psalm is for you!

David was a very active man, he had a lot on his plate, so to speak. The trials and demands of the monarchy piled up and at numerous times in his life the nation under his leadership faced threats from without and within. There were innumerable domestic wrangles to contend with, not least the take-over bid by his favoured son, Absalom. The Generals in charge of the army had a habit of over-reaching orders and the counsellors and politicians around David wavered in their support. He had no Temple to worship in; this Godly man visited the site of the tabernacle and sought comfort in the daily ceremonial rites and the feasts days, but David’s Psalms show us that he longed for more. He longed for greater intimacy with the Lord, for more than just ceremonies and religious practices; he longed for spiritual friendship and sustenance and he had only the Lord God to turn to. In those days David was a lone figure when it came to spiritual experience, we do not read of the Holy Spirit being visited upon his contemporaries. So, in the dark days of spiritual loneliness this dear man of God pleaded: -
1.     “How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever? 
2.     How long will you hide your face from me? 
3.     How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart?
4.     How long will my enemy triumph over me?”

As you can see, David’s disquiet provoked 4 questions.


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