Psalm 12:7     
We are safe!
        The Psalm goes on to express confidence in the Lord regardless of the vile behaviour of the wicked.  King David, arguably one of the greatest and most prosperous men of all time, is obviously at a vulnerable point in his life for he counts himself as one of the needy. Despite the plotting, scheming and apparent prospering of his enemies and their devious plans, David is confident that the Lord will protect him, and us, forever. And so it is, no matter how dark the clouds or how grim the circumstances we have hope in God. Why? Because all darkness and all scheming and all wickedness and all worldly authority is driven by the Satan and guess who is greater and more powerful and more able than he could ever be?  The Lord God Almighty, the Father and Friend of David and the Father and Friend of all who are His children through the Lord Jesus Christ. There is a beautiful verse in Psalm 27:5 that fits this description of our safety, refuge and security in the Lord. “For in the day of trouble He will keep me safe in His dwelling; He will hide me in the shelter of His sacred tent and set me high upon a rock.” Whatever you may be going through, whatever darkness may be around you, whatever problem threatens to overcome you; remember He is with you and He will keep you safe.


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