Psalm 12:2   
                  One of the Satan’s greatest psychological weapons is flattery. Flattery is used to manipulate, control and dominate. It is used by those who serve their own interest and whose agenda is never what it seems. It is at the heart of financial deception, adultery and fornication, greed, envy and political scheming. Listen to so many politicians talking and it is not hard to pick up the underlying message of self-interest, ambition and expediency that is covered by a thinly disguised veneer of deception. 
Have we ever stopped to ask ourselves, “Do I use flattery and if so why? Does every word that I speak and every conversation I have, reflect the true intentions in my heart?”  The devil flatters nations and leaders by convincing them that they have the right to dominate, to take riches and wealth from the poor, “Go on, you deserve it, look who you are.” The devil flatters us when he questions God’s integrity and tells us that our way is better; this was the key ingredient in the temptation of Eve. Wherever he is at work you can be sure his temptations are driven by deception. That secret fantasy that you often revisit is a deception, it will end in tears.  Nothing that comes from our enemy is truth, everything that comes from the heart of God is absolutely true for God cannot lie. There is only one message of truth, one Book of truth and one heart of truth and that is why we can trust our Father. Thank Him for truth.


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