Psalm 12   
The faithful
             v1Do you ever feel as if the wheels are coming off?  Is the country you love and the world you live in dominated by evil?  Are you prompted to ask; “Is there no one who is faithful anymore? Is every tongue a false tongue? Who and what can I believe? Why does everyone speak with double motives?” If so, this Psalm is for you and your experience is shared with David the King of Israel, the friend of God who lived over 900 years before Christ. The great lesson is this. Nothing has changed with the human race. Nothing has changed with the Satan’s tactics. We can learn from history and particularly from this godly songwriter who was able to commit his thoughts and feelings so well to verse. His spiritual handbook is ours because the enemy tactics are exactly as they were 3,000 years ago!

V1   Faithful is a less well-used word today; it suggests someone who is true and believable, who is trustworthy and dependable, a person who is committed to the cause and staunch in their reliability. But the word takes us a step further, for someone who is full of faith is godly, they trust in the Lord, they live by His truth, they depend on His power and are committed to His cause. If there are people like that in your life and in your church, they are the faithful ones. The heart cry of many Christian leaders is, where are the faithful? Where are those who will keep going whatever the cost? Is your church full of those who say they are believers but who have no inclination to commit? These are the faithless, for true faith is seen in actions not words as James will tell you in his Epistle. David understood this malaise for as he looked around him, he concluded that the faithful had vanished from the human race. Jesus prepared us for this in His Great Commission, He didn’t ask us to go into the world and make believers but to go and make disciples – followers – the faithful! 


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