Psalm 11:6    
                This powerful Psalm gives us an insight into the judgements of a God who is anything but passive. A picture is painted of fire and brimstone raining down, of a scorching tempest that will signify His wrath. Such judgements fell upon Sodom and Gomorrah and the effects of the sulphur on those two cities can be seen still. These judgements are repeated in Revelation 14:9-12 as those who worship the beast and bear his mark, face the wine of God’s fury. The wrath of God takes on similar expressions in the judgement of Satan and his legions and all the wicked who are consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulphur in Revelation 21. Why would God build a new heaven and earth if He did not first remove all that spoiled the first heaven and earth? 

V7   The Psalm ends with a reminder that the righteousness of the Lord is absolute, nothing that is unrighteous can dwell in His presence. He loves justice; translated “loving kindness” in some Bible versions. The Hebrew word here is Ts’dakah which means to do more than is required; to go the extra mile, to love your neighbour as you love yourself. Thus, it is acts of loving kindness not just an attitude or belief. To translate this literally; “The Lord loves to do, (and loves those who do) more than is required, to give beyond what is needed.” 
The Psalm ends with a wonderful promise. Those who serve others and serve the Lord here on earth by Ts’dakah will see the face of God!! It literally means that they will be granted access to that heavenly temple, that heavenly throne room where dwells the Lord God Almighty.   Hallelujah, that is something worth sacrificing for.


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