Psalm 11:4-5    
He watches.
       The next verses paint a very particular picture, the Lord does not cast a cursory glance our way, in fact it is the very opposite. Look closely at the words that are used here: -
·     The Lord observes or watches everyone on earth
·     His eyes examine them or He discerns / tries them
·     The Lord examines, discerns / tries the righteous
These are not the actions of a disinterested deity or a diffident ruler, this is the Lord carefully and accurately focussing in on all that individuals are doing and then making judgements about the righteous and the wicked. It is frightening to read that the Lord, the great God of the universe HATES the wicked, those who love violence. We emphasise, so often, the love of God, the grace of God, the mercy and kindness of God that we forget that He is a God who can hate. But the Bible tells us again and again that the wrath of God will be poured out on the wicked, the anger of God will be expressed against the nations, that the judgement and retribution of God will be levelled at all who defy and abuse Him. It is so easy to make excuses for wickedness, to lose sight of the battle and the nature of man that defies and rejects the Creator and His laws.  John 3:16 tells us that, “God so loved the world”, but it also reminds us that those who do NOT believe will perish. Why would we need a Saviour if there was nothing to be saved from?  Why would Jesus endure so much if the cost of disobedience was minimal? How could God be righteous and just if He rewarded the wicked and punished the good? Remember that He is watching – today.


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