Psalm 10:12- 15  Victim support
      Thank God that He sees, hears and takes note of all that goes on. The wicked will only prosper for a while, one day they must account for their actions, they will be called to give an account of themselves.  Meanwhile God also sees the helpless, the needy and the poor. Those who are victimised and abused have a special place in His heart, He will help those who are fatherless and alone. What a beautiful promise is found in verse 14. We hear a lot about victim support nowadays so, as believers, we need to be assured that no act of injustice and violence and abuse against the helpless will go unpunished and hidden. Our God sees it all, He will act, justice will be done, the wicked will not get away with it. In a culture that upholds the view that you can do anything you like so long as you don’t get caught, this promise is of great comfort. It should strike terror into the hearts of evil men and women but most of them do not believe or do not care, so their punishment may come as a surprise. But rest assured, it will happen. 
Once again, the language used here is very expressive! We would hardly dare ask the Lord God to, “break the arm of the wicked man” would we? Yet it seems that if we are aware of injustice and know where the weak have been exploited, Scripture entitles us to ask God to break the power of the wicked, to call evildoers to account and to expose their devious and hidden acts.


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