Psalm 8:2     
                    The only writer who I could find who had even begun to understand what this Psalm is saying was Charles Spurgeon, I love his words: -
"Aha! Aha! O adversary! To be overcome by behemoth or leviathan might make thee angry; but to be smitten out of infants' mouths causes thee to bite the dust in utter dishonor. Thou art sore broken, now that 'out of the mouth of babes and sucklings' thou art put to shame." (Spurgeon)

The Satan has hit back with an insidious attack on the human race in our lifetime. He has destroyed countless numbers of little children before they are born. His most evil weapon, abortion, has prevented millions from having the opportunity to sing their songs of praise. This is one of the greatest reasons why the evil of this present age surpasses anything that has occurred before. Unborn babies have no rights and no human protectors, yet while their praise may not be heard on earth it is certainly heard in heaven where they dance and sing before their Creator. They will have their day and that murdering Lucifer will be called to account too! Until that happens let us rejoice that those who do live to sing praises continue to silence the enemy. And let us also show compassion to the many women who have been wrongly coerced, by a sick society, into parting with their children. 


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