 Let the Lord be the judge
    There is a suggestion here that the kingship of David is under threat, that maybe his enemies have grasped the throne?  These verses are an appeal for the people to gather before the throne of God and to come under His sovereign rule. He begs for the Lord to sit upon His throne of Judgement and bring about justice.  We can sense the longing in David’s heart for the time to come when wrongs will be righted and he can declare his integrity to all. How frustrating it must have been for him to wait and wait to be vindicated and to assert his rightful position as king.  
Have you been in a helpless place where your authority has been over-ruled, where your position has been given to another less able or someone has been promoted or elevated when you know full well that it’s all a “fix.” There are other times in life, for the believer, when we have stood up for truth and integrity and yet find ourselves judged for our position. We look into the mirror of our souls and ask why? “Why have I been treated so unfairly, why have my enemies demeaned me in this way. Life is so unfair. This is such an injustice!” We turn to God to be exonerated but it seems like even He has turned a deaf ear to our pleas and His inaction can become very frustrating.  Like David, we must learn to wait, for He is God and his timing is perfection. However, we don’t have to stop pleading, “Bring to an end the violence of the wicked and make the righteous secure – you, the righteous God who probes hearts and minds.” V9


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