Psalm 9:5 - 6 
Where are they now?
We tend to think of God as the Lord of individuals; salvation and redemption are personal, Christ died for me, He hears my prayers, He gives His Holy Spirit to those who believe. In each case the relationship is personal, yes the church is corporate but composed of individuals who have received Christ. However, the Hebrew Scriptures present us also with a God whose actions are far broader, encompassing whole nations and peoples, in fact His activity embraces the whole world. If a country or nation engages in idol worship, godlessness or pagan religion they can be expected to experience the Lord’s rebuke. This can even happen to a previously God-fearing nation, for instance Israel when they worshipped the golden calf or when they chased after the gods of the Canaanite tribes.  A rebuke is a telling off, a warning, a prophetic reminder to “change your ways.” Romans chapters 1-2 are such a rebuke as they set out the dangers of ignoring God, of breaking His commandments. This, ultimately, leads to perverted behaviour, the breakdown of law and order and inevitably trouble and distress and God’s judgement.  He is not mocked! 
Where are the Babylonian, Assyrian, Medo-Persian, Greek and Roman Empires today? For that matter, where is the British Empire today? Where are the Canaanite tribes that troubled Israel?  The Ten Canaanite Tribes were: Kenites, Kenizzites, KadmonitesHittites, Perizzites, Rephaim, Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites, and Jebusites. Have you encountered any of them today? Are they taught in our classrooms, does anyone remember them? There are studies that link them to the people of modern Lebanon but their cities are gone, they have perished from the earth. The ancient Philistines are thought to have originated in Crete; where is Philistia today? All of these cultures were driven by demonic powers and were under Satan’s control, none of them have lasted. This passage shows us that God keeps His word, He has destroyed the wicked, He has blotted out their names for ever and ever.


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