Psalm 9:11 
Enthroned in Zion
  The preceding verse takes us exactly to where the Psalmist wants to go, if we depend on the Lord’s name, we have to sing praises to that name. The holiest place in the physical universe or the spiritual universe is Zion for that is where the Lord dwells, where He is enthroned and where we lift our eyes and acknowledge His authority and power. On a coming day, the physical Mount Zion will be elevated and the throne of the Lord Jesus on earth will be established there. At that time all nations will bow and acknowledge Jesus Christ is Lord. We are privileged insiders if you like, we already know how the plot is going to pan out. We know the end and the beginning. We are the minority but immensely important for we are chosen ambassadors preparing the world for what is to come. Instead of gloom and doom we see nothing but hope and a future to anticipate.  Jesus is coming to reign, all of the Satan’s plans will fall to pieces. The earth will be restored to its former glory and we will reign upon it with our Lord. As we prepare, our hearts are filled with joy, anticipation and peace for the Lord reigns! The injunction here for all who understand these things, is to proclaim to the whole world the great deeds of our God. No religion can compete with Him, no past deeds of mankind can compare with His, no object of human worship can come close to the majesty of our God.  Let the whole world know! 


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