Psalm 8:5     
Lower than angels?
      This verse takes us back to the place of angels in the scheme of things and we are told that mankind is a little lower in status than the heavenly beings; although some think that the original meaning is that man is a little lower than the angels “for a little while”. In truth both of these connotations are correct for human beings are temporarily lower in status than the heavenly beings. However, God’s purpose has always been to crown man with glory and honour and to put everything under his feet. There is no point in pretending that this has happened; rather than exercising leadership and sovereignty, mankind is in slavery to sin; historically human power and authority have too often led to bloodshed, repression and tyranny. That is the outcome of having rulers who rule without God, who will not subject themselves to God, who rule by suppression instead of liberation, who use fear and abuse as tools of authority instead of compassion and trust.  It has rightly been claimed that the less love there is in a society the more laws are needed; this can apply in a marriage, a family, a workplace as well as in government; in this context law is the opposite of love. God’s way will be to affirm and empower His people by crowning them with glory and honour and at the same time to restore to man the ability and authority to rule over creation. The characteristics of the rule of God and His kingdom are righteousness, truth and justice; our world was meant to be governed using these precepts but man has chosen to do things very differently. And so Hebrews takes the words of David the Songwriter and dares us to dream. What an amazing place it will be when Jesus reigns with His people.  What an amazing thought it is that we have been chosen to share in that reign and to see that righteousness, truth and justice prevail. This has not happened yet but it will happen, the one place it should be happening is in the church and it will if Christ is allowed to be the head of His body and His people learn to become subject to Him. 


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