Psalm 7:6 
     Awake, my God!       
    Now David starts to get angry, the injustice of it all, this is so unfair. “Arise, Lord, in your anger: rise up against the rage of my enemies.” Let’s stop here for a moment.  Where do we go for justice?  Who do we appeal to when wronged?  Is the first thought one of revenge against our enemies?  Do we plan a campaign of retribution?  What happens if our adversaries are hidden or we are in fear of our lives?  Even worse, what do we do when we know that the devil himself has master-minded the attack? Surely, we should learn from David, whatever the circumstances and the root cause of our anguish let us take it to the Lord and ask Him to silence the offenders, for we have right on our side.  However, the tone of this plea suggests that David is getting impatient; why isn’t God acting? Why is it taking so long? Wake up Lord and sort this out because right now my enemies seem to be winning. 
Dare we appeal to God in this way? Are our platonic prayers always the answer? Can we really read from a Prayer Book and fully express the emotion and frustration of our circumstances? I was in a Prayer Meeting early this morning where we all banged the table as we pleaded with God! A bit extreme? Well, maybe for some, but as He already knows our emotions, which are given to us by Him, I suspect that showing them should be a normal thing to do. “Rise up Lord! Awake my God!” Of course, God never sleeps, but we read on a number of occasions in Scripture that He hears the wailing cries of His people. It is not His ears that are the problem it’s our hearts; when are we really going to get down to business and show Him we really care, that the issues truly affect us and arouse deep feelings? A passionate heart cry is not a sign of irreverence, but it is a sign of our concern and that we are intent on bringing the matter to the ears of the only One who can help us. 


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