Psalm 7:3-5    
Clean hands               David’s only appeal is to God Almighty and in Him David takes refuge and seeks deliverance.  It is often the case that when one person accuses us, it feels like the whole world is against us!  If the Satan is behind the accusations, we can be sure that he will twist them to lead us to believe that they come from more than one source. One individual can make a negative or threatening comment and we immediately assume that all their friends and associates are in on it and concur with them! This is a common tactic used against us by our enemy. 

The true cause however, of David’s distress, is the lies that have been told about him.  He comes before the Lord with his hands open and pleads innocence; he will even accept death by his enemy if he is guilty of any ill doing.   Thank God that when the accusations rage and the lies circulate we can stand before the Judge of all men and plead our case.   If our conscience is guilt-free then we know that the Judge knows we are innocent. Today we might use different words, “Hand on my heart. As God is my witness I did not do thisetc,” but the meaning is the same.  Let us live lives before God such that if the accusations do fly, we can hold out our hands and plead innocence. Be it our work or business colleagues, our marriage or family relationships, our church family or friends and neighbours, it is much easier to deal with accusations if we have clean hands!


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