Psalm 7:10-13 
The armour of God is God's armour!
     What is noticeable here is the correlation between these verses and the armour of God described by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 6. As mentioned above, we have the shield in v10 and additionally a sharpened sword in v12 and flaming arrows in v13. This righteous, holy, angry God is not a pacifist nor is He inactive, rather His wrath is vented against all who rebel and who are wicked. There is still room for God to relent v12, for who can predict His ways or His vengeance? The sword that proceeds from the mouth of God is His Word in the New Testament and just as the Satan’s fiery arrows are very often words and thoughts that assail us, so God’s words and thoughts assail His enemies. We very often forget the power that His words possess; if God speaks it is irrefutable. When God says, “Let there be light”, there is light! Woe betide anyone or anything that comes under the force of His words. The image of God Almighty bending and stringing His bow [v12] could be metaphorical but arrows do need an implement to fire them and in the right hands they are both deadly and accurate. The rain-bow points to heaven and is a sign of God withholding judgement, in these verses God arms His bow and points it at His enemies on earth and it is a sign of retribution – these are deadly weapons indeed.

Let’s be clear here. This world has been on the brink of destruction on a number of occasions in the past 60 years. There are enough nuclear weapons to wipe us out several times over. There have been plots to use them along with other horrendous biological and chemical weaponry. Chernobyl and Fukushima are warnings of what horrific, destructive power men have at their disposal and what will happen if they use it. It is an incredibly dangerous age in which we live and there is no way back to a more innocent time. So why have we not been obliterated already? It is because God is a God of mercy as well as of judgement. The angels that will eventually inaugurate the Apocalypse are the same angels that hold it back because of the Lord’s mercy. It will happen, but only when He is convinced that all lost souls have been saved and the covenant family is complete in Him. 


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