Psalm 7:10-11
The anger of God
       In Ephesians 6:16 Paul exhorts his readers to “take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.”  This was not really an original thought because David had written about this shield centuries earlier. There is no doubting the kind of warfare that Paul was engaged in, it was spiritual, and it was relentless. When we are assailed by enemy arrows, we MUST hold up our Shield of Faith. That shield is the absolute conviction that God Most High is with us, He is our defence and beyond that shield no enemy arrows can go, it is impenetrable.  If our cause and our conscience is upright, then the righteous God WILL judge rightly, and we need not fear the opponent.  It is worth noting that God’s judgement is not some intended arbitration stored in His memory bank for future reference.  God displays His wrath every day. 

This is a good moment to stop and consider the wrath or anger of God.  Firstly, it is always righteous anger and it is always directed at the wicked who will not repent and turn back to their Maker. In a few verses time we will read that “their violence comes down on their own heads.”  We know from other Scriptures that God is slow to anger and that His anger lasts only for a moment, but His patience is not limitless. It only abates when men repent and turn away from their sin.  It is surely better to humble ourselves before the Lord and confess our sinfulness than to fly in the face of His warnings and risk eternal judgement. The Bible gives us ample warning that the Day of the Lord will bring judgements against mankind for their rebellion against the Lord and their destruction of His creation.  These judgements are furious and unrelenting and will lead ultimately to the banishment of the Satan and his followers to eternal hell. Indeed “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God!”  Hebrews 10:31.


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