Psalm6:2-3   My bones are in agony      David is feeling faint and his bones are in agony v2, and he fears he will die v3.  It is also apparent that his suffering has to do with sin for he pleads for God’s mercy, healing and deliverance.  This suffering was deeply emotional, “My soul is in deep anguish. How long, Lord, how long?” Such is the extreme nature of his affliction that he fears that death will come and in the next few verses he begs that this finality can be avoided. Note here that there is, in his mind, a direct link between the agony in his bones and the anguish in his soul. No distinction is made between body, soul and spirit but there is a realisation that the well-being of one can affect the well-being of another. David has sinned, his spirit is out of sync with his soul and he fears retribution and longs for restoration. This agony in turn affects his bones and his body. How right it is to promote the truth that well-being with God in our spirits, has a positive effect on every part of us. Let it not be thought, that I am saying that all sickness and bodily illness is rooted in spiritual disease. I am not saying that, but I am saying that spiritual sickness has an impact on all the rest of our being. Sin is behind so many of our modern-day psychological illnesses; abuse, neglect, perversion, addiction, dissatisfaction, fear and anxiety all have their cure according to psychologists, but there is no cure like being forgiven, restored, set free and renewed by Almighty God. When your spirit is freed and empowered by the Holy Spirit, you don’t need mindfulness, holistic therapies and happy pills for you have the covering and back-up of the powers of heaven. When will the human race learn that their problems are spiritual and that there is a loving, merciful God just waiting for their cry for help?


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