        Royal Invitation      
                  Please read and re-read verse 7.  Is this you?  Can you say, “But I, by your great love, can come into your house; in reverence I bow down toward your holy temple?” For King David, this was of course a physical place, although the Temple had not yet been built and he must bow towards the site of the tabernacle.  However, he did not do so out of habit, or because of religious fervour but because of Love. 
For you and I this is an invitation from the throne room of heaven, to come, to enter into that glory and to bow down before the Majesty of God. The invitation comes with love, it is not earned, and it is not an afterthought. God in Heaven calls to you and I to come into His house, to approach Him – to draw near. Let us do so with reverence, let us recognise who it is who calls and be humbled before Him, but let us also rejoice in the privilege of having an audience with God Almighty Himself – whenever we want to! If we had an invitation to meet the Queen we would be honoured to do so and would probably spend weeks in nervous preparation.  The only people who daily go in and out of her presence are trusted, close employees and, of course, her family, particularly her children.  This is what we are folks, children of the King and thus we are granted privileged access whilst many never get to even spend a moment with Him. We are welcome in His presence, we are bathed in His love and surrounded by His glory and we know that – All Is Well!  


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