Psalm5:10       Is God unfair?
                  This verse should be our prayer and we should not be afraid to pray it!  We have a God who is just and fair and He will punish the wicked and the wicked cohorts who serve their satanic master.  Let their schemes condemn them, we do not have to fight them for our God will pronounce fair and righteous judgement, it is His prerogative.  We cannot judge them, but He will. “Banish them, O God, forever from Your presence. They are rebels, let us be true.”

Perhaps this is a good time to stop and consider God’s judgement of the wicked.  Our culture today preaches tolerance; tolerance of evil people, tolerance of sin, tolerance of so much that is in direct opposition to the commands of God.  Some Christians jump on the tolerance bandwagon and struggle with the concept of a just God who punishes evil and evil-doers.  What they fail to grasp is that God is holy, His character is unimpeached by the sinfulness of humanity and in His presence there is no room for sin.  If God were not a God of judgement He would contradict His own word which teaches that the wages of sin is death.  Adam was told, in the Garden of Eden, that the consequence of eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil would be death!  That is a holy God speaking, that pronouncement hangs over human beings to this very day, we have brought God’s judgement upon ourselves.  It is God’s righteous judgement that sent Jesus Christ to our world to save us, that is the underlying cause of His crucifixion and death.  

It is also important to consider that if Jesus died to save a people for Himself, and you and I count ourselves among those who believe in Him and have surrendered their earthly lives to Him, it would be a contradiction if God then excused everyone else who ignored Him and rebelled against Him!   Holiness has a price, righteousness has a price and so too does our heavenly destiny; our merciful Father paid that price by offering up His Son as a sacrifice on a wooden cross.  He was willing to pay the ultimate cost in order for mercy to prevail; let no one accuse Him of injustice!!  That is why our heavenly home is such wonderful news, there will be no one or nothing that will distract, taint, blot or spoil what God has prepared for us, for sin will have no place there and the only ones who can enter are those who have come under God’s judgement carried out through Christ Jesus.  Let us have no more talk of God being unmerciful and unjust.


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