Psalm 7:1-2
     An appeal for justice
       This Psalm is preceded by a note telling us that David sang it to the Lord concerning Cush, a Benjamite.  The Benjamites had a chequered history to say the least, but they were of significance at the time of David because King Saul, his adversary, came from that tribe of Israel whereas David was from the tribe of Judah.   Geographically Benjamin was located just north of Judah and was later absorbed into the southern kingdom.   Cush means black although it is unlikely that this man was black in colour.  We know nothing else about Cush, so Bible commentators are left to surmise that he was sent by Saul to give David a hard time, maybe even to kill him!  Maybe we could take this one step further and surmise that David was actually writing the Psalm about Saul and he had nicknamed Saul – Cush, the black one? It is clear that rumours and lies were being circulated and David felt vulnerable and even threatened by this enemy.  If Cush was not black in colour, he was certainly black by nature. 
In v1-2 we find graphic imagery, it reads as if David is being pursued by many enemies and that he fears being ripped to pieces with no one to defend him.  There are a number of occasions in the Psalms where the attack of enemies is likened to that of wild animals, in this case a lion. [See for instance Psalm 22:12-13, 16, 20-21.] It is also quite common in Scripture to find wild animals associated with abandoned, barren, desert places and with areas that have been destroyed and desecrated by judgements. [See Isaiah 3:21-22 for a description of the destruction of Babylon.]  Demon powers are likened to wild creatures that inhabit these desolate locations where men are fearful to go and where feral animals roam with bloodthirsty intent. It may be imagery but in the spiritual realm there are malignant evil powers that are to be feared!  
David’s only appeal is to God Almighty and in Him David takes refuge and seeks deliverance.  It is often the case that when one person accuses us, it feels like the whole world is against us!  If the Satan is behind the accusations, we can be sure that he will taint them to lead us to believe that they come from more than one source. One individual can make a negative or threatening comment and we immediately assume that all their friends and associates are in on it and concur with them! This is a common tactic used against us by our enemy. 


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