Psalm 6:9-10 The dark night of the soul
 Have you experienced the battle?  Have you felt overwhelmed to the point of death?  Have you felt like the whole world is ganging up against you? Then tell those **** where to go!  The Lord is with you, He will not let your enemies overcome you.
The Lord hears our weeping, the Lord hears our cries for mercy, the Lord accepts our prayer.   This realisation is always a turning point, the dark night of the soul has ended, THE LORD is on my side!  It is extraordinary how that dark night can go on and on, sometimes for weeks or months, perhaps years! Then, one morning we wake up and ….. it is gone! The cloud has lifted, the oppression has gone, the curtain to the room flutters gently in the breeze and outside the window the sun shines with warmth. What was that nightmare? Where did it come from? Where did it go? Well, by now, if you have been following these blogs, you should be getting the idea. Somewhere, unseen to us, heaven stirred into action, a voice cried, “Enough!” Our enemies turned tail and fled in shame and anguish. The LORD accepted our prayers, the LORD heard our cry for mercy and now we are free again. Thank you LORD.

Lord there are times for some of us, when it seems that we stand on the brink of Sheol. Illness and depression work together to bring us to the place where we stare death in the face. The stabbing barbs of the enemy have done their work and it seems as if our foes have won.  Yet we can cry in triumph to You for You always hear the cries of the repentant and the righteous.  We may have confidence in You even when everything and everyone is against us.  Thank You Lord for Your mercy and Your deliverance. 


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