Psalm 5:9       
Do not fear Mot!
                  There existed, in Canaanite mythology, a god called Mot who was believed to be the god of death.  This mythical creature was always depicted with its mouth wide open, waiting to swallow its victims.  Such an abhorrent image could only come from the Satan’s imagination and is meant to disturb and create fear, as are many of his horror story images that folk so love today.  God forbid that we should have a morbid interest in depictions of demons, vampires and the rest, or that we should enjoy the satanic music loved by so many. However, the truth is, that death is the enemy’s ultimate weapon and he loves to frighten us with it.  We should NEVER listen to such voices, not one word that comes from the mouth of the father of lies and his followers can be trusted. And death is NOT to be feared if we are safe in the arms of Jesus,who conquered death, and sin, and the grave and rubbished all of the horrific, associated images.


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