Psalm 5:4-6 
  The ways of the arrogant
         These verses are amazing! They tell us who can stand before the Lord in His Holy Place; who has the right to approach the throne of grace.  The wicked are not welcome!  They can never enjoy this privilege, they are banned, and so are the arrogant.  Who are the ones who should be called arrogant?   It is surely all those who believe that they can live in this world without God.  The arrogant are those who are full of self-belief, they are a law unto themselves. The arrogant believe that wealth, influence, learning and status can do what Christians believe only the Lord can do.  The arrogant believe that they can better themselves; Christians believe that only God can improve them.  The arrogant trust in their abilities, their education, their contacts, their wisdom and their knowledge of spirituality and the world; believers trust in God alone. So many people have so many different ideas about faith and religion and morals and truth; they believe they are right and that is true arrogance.  No one who thinks that way can stand in the presence of God Almighty, but then they would not want to, He does not fit their self-made image of god for their god is themselves.  Look at how strongly the Psalm speaks of evil-doers; God hates them, He will destroy liars! He detests the bloodthirsty and the deceitful.  


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