Psalm 5:3 Get out of bed!
This verse encourages us to pray – in the morning! There are numerous reasons for this. Firstly, in hot climates the morning is still relatively cool and as a consequence it is easier to think clearly and pray with vigour and clarity. Secondly, the other needs and demands of the day are yet to press in on us. How often have we intended to spend time with God but then circumstances take over and the hours slip by and the opportunity is lost. Thirdly, the enemy is already plotting against us, why would we go out to battle unarmed and unprepared? If we have been with the Lord and got our orders at the start of the day we can hope to successfully reach the end of the day! So, there’s no question that the start of the day is the best time to pray. [He’s a poet and doesn’t know it.] Let us “lay our requests before Him” and then wait to see how He answers. Listen to this, God is waiting to hear from us when we rise, could He be disappointed when nothing comes through? If we honour and worship Him as God is that not the only way to start the day - to declare what our priorities are and get the next few hours into their right perspective? The incredible fact is that even if we curtail our morning lie in and miss an hour of sleep, we will feel better for being with the Lord than we would if we had remained in bed. No wonder that our Lord Jesus got up early in the morning to be with His Father.
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