Psalm2:9       The description of the reign of the Messiah in this verse sounds brutal.   It is spoken of in Revelation 19:15-16 and we believe that Jesus will reign over the earth for a millennium when all nations will come under His authority. He wears on His robe and on His thigh the inscription; KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.  This will no longer be a time of grace where God is patient with men, this is the time when God will install His King on Zion, His holy mountain.  The reign of Christ anticipates a final judgement for the Satan, his servants, and all human beings who obey him. There will be no room for “Gentle Jesus, meek and mild!” 
We once had a very handsome Border Collie called Taffy who was virtually unmanageable. He went away for 6 weeks training, as a pup, but came back just the same. We loved Taff to bits and he was great company for our growing family, it was just that if Taff decided he was going to chase his nose, off he went. No amount of calling and pleading made any difference. A shepherd friend of mine rated him, “Bring him to me for a day and I’ll show you how to get him eating out of your pocket. You have to break him!”There will come a day when the rebellious will obey the Sovereign Lord for He will break them with a rod of iron, just like our recalcitrant dog! Our obedience is borne out of love, theirs will be grounded in fear for resistance will lead to being dashed like broken pottery. 


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